

Edo period, dated 1645 / Book, ink on paper

Hand-copied edition of Rinzai-roku lectures, unknown compiler, late Muromachi period (1333-1573). Composed in a colloquial style with hiragana characters in addition to kanji. The Rinzai-roku is a record of the sayings of Linji Yixuan (also Linji Huizhao; in Japan Rinzai Gigen, Rinzai Eishō; unknown-867), patriarch of the Rinzai School. The Rinzai-roku is also known as the Chin-shū Rinzai Eshō zenji goroku. Edited by Linji's disciple Sansheng Huiran (J. Sanshō Ezen, DOB/DOD unknown).

This copy was Rinzai priest Sōhō Takuan's (1573-1645) personal hand-written copy. Cover of each volume carries an inscription: "Go-gyaku-nin-mon-rai Ton (Zen -Hi-Mitsu)" (The one and only Go-gyaku-nin-mon-rai Ton [secret]) on its left side, as well as a crimson seal bearing the name "Sōhō". "Go-gyaku-nin-mon-rai" may be translated "the one who has commited the five immediates--i.e., killing one's mother, killing one's father, killing an arhat (nirvana-attainer), causing schism, and hurting the buddha's body--whose way of attaining Awakening is Immediate (against Gradual, Secret, or Closed), hears the thundering [sermon of the Lankā buddha]." A well-known historical figure, Takuan was expelled from the capital on account of his resistance to the Edo shogunate's objection to the "purple robe (shie) incident" that arose from Emperor Gomizu no 0's decision to award it to him. He did, however, manage to gain the devotion of the third Tokugawa Shōgun Iemitsu (1604-51) and founded Tōkai-ji temple in Shinagawa. Courtesy Sekisuiken Bunko Library. "Sekisui" refers to Mitsuo Ishii (1881-1966).

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