The establishment and growth of the Matsugaoka Bunko Foundation represent the realization of Dr. Daisetz Suzuki's lifelong determination to advance learning and understanding. Better known as D. T. Suzuki, he is widely recognized as one of the most eminent scholars in the history of Zen Buddhism.
Zen’s popularity throughout the world owes much to Dr. Suzuki's work and his impressive grasp of the English language. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his achievements in the field are without equal, and it is unlikely that we will see the emergence of a similarly gifted scholar in the near future.
This website was created with the global information environment in mind to provide accurate information on the life and works of Dr. Suzuki. If even one person comes to know him through the site, then the efforts that went into it will have been worthwhile.
Materials in the collection are available to researchers who have gained the permission of the Matsugaoka Foundation.

Collected Works of Suzuki Daisetz, 40 vols